Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am so turned on right now

subject: there is dog theft in your area

First, I wanna say you are gorgeous, and must read my profile.

I am a dog rescuer. Share this with anyone that has dogs.

There are professional dog thieves operating in your area.

They have the tools, and know-how, to steal any dog, no matter how “vicious” you may perceive your dog to be. They can, and will, steal your dog. Pit bulls, rottweillers, and dobermans are stolen as much as any breed.

Dogs are stolen from yards; parked cars, even when the cars are locked; and from outside stores.

Only 10% of missing dogs are ever returned.

Most are sold into animal experimentation, where they are slowly tortured, time and time again, until death. Others are sold as dog-fighting bait; exotic pet food; and even human consumption!

A micro-chip, although a very good idea, is not GPS for dogs.

Never leave your dog unattended, unless he is safely inside your home.

According to a paper presented to the American Society of Criminology in 2006, an illegal economy in the theft of pets, mostly dogs, has emerged in the U.S. in recent years, with the thieves known as "bunchers." The bunchers sell the animals to Class B animal dealers, who pay $25 per animal. The dealers then sell the animals to universities, medical and veterinary schools, and companies providing animal-testing services. Lawrence Salinger and Patricia Teddlie of Arkansas State University told the conference that these institutions pay up to $500 for a stolen animal, who is often accompanied by forged documents and fake health certificates.

In 2006 HBO produced Dealing Dogs a documentary film based on dog theft

huh? Is this from the Army of the 12 Monkeys?

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